Kick-Off meeting 2021

check out the announcement of our Kick-off meeting for the HIGH-PASM project with the detailed program :


Our first meeting held on the 29th and 30th of April was organized online and gathered up to 13 participants from Cyprus (Iris Charalambidou, Salih Gucel, Georgiou Kyriakos), Germany (Tobias Kluge), Lebanon (Jocelyne Gerard, Nada Badaro-Saliba), Belgium (Sophie Verheyden) and France (Arnaud Banos, Romain Reulier, Sebastien Rey, Armelle Couillet, Gilles Grivaud, Carole Nehme).

After a quick introduction on the project structure, objectives and workplan Prof. Gilles Grivaud, a specialist in the evolution of rural population in Cyprus, gave us an interesting talk on available historical archives in Cyprus, a short summary on the evolution of the rural population on the island and some insights on archaeological excavations covering the medieval period near Potamia and Famagusta. Following this interesting talk, Iris Chralambidou and Emmanuel Eliot presented the WP2, objectives, workplan and challenges.

A series of talk programmed on Friday 30th of May, provided many interesting ideas regarding climate modelling, climate reconstruction and Agent-Based modelling approach. First Tobias Kluge and Carole Nehme presented the WP1 concerning the reconstruction of climate variability for the medieval period from speleothems and other available natural archives on the island. Then, Jocelyne Adjizian-Gerard and Nada Badaro-Saliba from the Saint Joseph University of Beyrouth presented the challenges regarding the climate modeling based on the deconvolution of several reconstructed signals from natural archives.

After a short break, both Romain Reulier and Sebastien Rey presented the Agent-based modelling approach for WP3 and how valuable is it to test some disease diffusion scenarios when taking into account several parameters (climate, environment, social) reconstructed more robustly for the contemporaneous era (CE) and then to project or test it for older periods.

The presentations for both WP’s were subject to various questions, making the exchange of ideas between participants very useful. A short presentation on communication tools of the project followed shortly and some organizational tips were discussed regarding the field work in Cyprus planned this summer.

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