
A work meeting – 29th Sept 2022

On Thursday 29th September, a meeting was organised at IDEES, CNRS (University of Rouen) to discuss several points concerning the work progress in collecting the historical data and organising the database for WP2.

During the meeting, Emmanuel E. described the data inventory with what has been collected data so far during field missions to Cyprus and was is left still to collect.

Raphaele K. and Linu D. explained the methodology employed for the construction of the database. This included a first scan map of the available data in historical archives in order to propose an architecture and implementation aspects. The database skeleton here will help connect the different types of data together once the databases (qualitive, quantitative, spatial) are rebuilt. Some aspects of the data modeling and management were invoked and helped define primary needs of the WP3 team for future implementation of the spatial modelling and data simulation.

Romain R. described the old and present-day maps covering the island of Cyprus and what are the available data to collect in order to build a spatial database for roads, villages and cities, swamps and fluvial networks, forests and agricultural areas, harbors, etc. Romain R. identified the maps that are accessible and could be potentially digitized: maps of Corine land cover from 1990 onwards, the 1946 land cover map, the Kitchener map of 1882, map of Maslatrie in 1862, the Ottoman map of 1780, the Venetian map of 1542. Romain R. advised to divide the tasks for the digitization of maps between PhD scholar, engineer and undergraduate students.

Finally, some organisational points were discussed, specifically to hire a new engineer in 2023 for WP3, and a new intern for 6 months training and support to WP1. A potential schedule for a mid-term meeting was discussed and will potentially be held in May-June 2023 in France.