Some references related to the research topic are listed below :
Climate change and Health :
Mc Micheals, 2017. Climate Change and the health of nations. Famines, Fevers, & the Fate of Populations. Oxford Univ. Press.
Kovats et al., 2003. El Nino & health. Lancet, 361:1481–9. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(03)14695-8
Seimenis, 2003. Overview of the epidemiological situation on echinococcosis in the Med. region. DOI:10.1016/s0001-706x(02)00272-3
Voniatis, 2017. Tuberculosis in Cyprus through the centuries. Epiphaniou Publisheh, Nicosia.
Polydorou, 1981. Q Fever in Cyprus: a short review.
Ross, 1914. Malaria in Cyprus & Greece. Section of epidemiology & state medicine, 107-118.
Gallagher & Dueppen, 2018. Recognizing plague epidemics in the archaeological record of West Africa. Afriques. Débats, méthodes et terrains d’histoire, (09).
Psaroulaki et al. 2006. Epidemiological study of Q fever in humans, ruminant & ticks in Cyprus.
Economides, 2000. Control of zoonoses in Cyprus.
Grmek, 1969. Préliminaire d’une étude historique des maladies. Annales ESC, 24:1437–1483.
Cliff & Haggett, 1984. Island epidemic. Sc. American, 250(5): 138-147. DOI:10.1038/scientificamerican0584-138
Cliff et al., 2009. Infectious diseases, emergence & re-emergence: a geographical analysis. Oxford Univ. Press.
Paynter et al., 2015. Seasonal immune modulation in humans: observed patterns & potential environmental drivers. J. of Infection, 70(1): 1-10. DOI:10.1016/j.jinf.2014.09.006
Zhaohui et al., 2014. Ecological niche modeling for predicting the potential risk areas of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome, Int. J. of Infectious Diseases 26:1–8.
Climate change reconstructed in the East Mediterranean:
Xoplaki et al., 2018. Modelling Climate & Societal Resilience in the East-Med in the Last 1,000 years.
Kanweski, 2011.LIA in Syria inferred from pollen-derived paleoclimatic patterns.
Trouet et al., 2009. Persistent positive NAO mode dominated the medieval climate anomaly. Science 324(5923): 78-80. DOI: 10.1126/science.1166349
Kushnir & Stein, 2019; Medieval Climate in the East-Med: Instability and Evidence of Solar Forcing. doi:10.3390/atmos10010029
Roberts et al., 2012. Paleolimnological evidence for an East-West climate see-saw in the Med.
Touchan et al., 2005. Reconstructions of spring/summer precipitation for the East-Med from tree-ring widths & its connection to large-scale atmospheric
Griggs et al., 2014. 250-year annual precipitation reconstruction & drought assessment for Cyprus from Pinus brutia tree-rings. Int. J. of Climatology 34(8): 2702–
Verheyden et al.,2008. Paleoclimate reconstruction in the Levant region from the geochemistry of a Holocene stalagmite from the Jeita cave, Lebanon.
Jones et al., 2006. A high-resolution late-Holocene lake isotope record from Turkey.
Climate Change and societal impact :
Izdebski et al., 2016. The environmental, archaeological & historical evidence for regional climatic changes & their societal impacts in the East-Med in Late Antiquity.
Haldon et al., 2019. History meets palaeoscience: consilience & collaboration in studying past societal responses to environmental change.
Clarks et al., 2016. Climatic changes & social transformations in the Near-East 4th M. BC
Cookson et al., 2019. Impacts of long-term climate change during the Akkadian Empire collapse.
White, 2017. The Climate of rebellion in the early modern Ottoman Empire.
Raphael, 2013.Climate & political climate. Environmental disasters in the medieval Levant.
Ottoman Cyprus: A Collection of Studies on History & Culture.
Agent-based model applied to human science:
Steel, 2009. Human dispersals: mathematical models & the archaeological record, Human Biology.
Kohler et al., 2005. Simulating ancient societies: computer modeling is helping to unravel the archaeological mysteries of the american southwest. Scientific American, 76-83.
Kohler & van der Leeuw, 2007. Model-based archaeology of aocio-natural Systems. SAR Press, Santa Fe.
Axtell et al., 2002. Population growth & collapse in a multiagent model of the kayenta anasazi in long house valley, PNAS, 7275-7279
Janssen, 2009. Understanding artificial anasazi, J. of Artificial Societies & Soc. Simulation
Laperriere et al., 2009. Structural validation of an individual based model for plague epidemics. Ecological Complexity, 6: 102-112.
Cottineau et al. 2015a. A modular modelling framework for hypotheses testing in the simulation of urbanisation, Systems, 3: 348-377.
Banos et al., 2015. The Importance of being hybrid for spatial epidemic models: a multi-scale approach, Systems, 3(4): 309-329.
Phillips et al., 2006. Maximum entropy modeling of species geographic distributions, Ecological Modeling, 190: 231–259.