Ad-hoc committee: Kyriakos Georgiou; Gilles Grivaud; Sophie Verheyden
Carole Nehme (Lecturer-researcher) – UMR IDEES 6266. Project Leader. Specialist in Northern Levant palaeoclimate variability with the study of relevant aspects (geology, geography, palaeoclimate, society, history) in Lebanon & Cyprus.
Emmanuel Eliot (Professor) – UMR IDEES 6266. Specialist in health geography. Supervision of the study on public health (demography, famines, diseases) & the reconstruction of health indicators from present & medieval periods.
Arnaud Banos (Dir. Research) – CNRS. Specialist in agent-based modeling of socio-environmental systems & human mobility, including disease spreads. Implementation of the ABM model for the project.
Sebastien Rey (Research engIneer) – UMR IDEES 6266. Specialist in agent-based modelling of socio-environmental systems & human mobility. Validation of the implemented model.
Armelle Couillet (EngIneer) – CNRS. Specialist in GIS. Organisation of the spatio-temporal database for social/health indicators, and compilation of land use cover for present & medieval periods.
Romain Reulier (Lecturer-researcher) – UMR LETG 6554. Specialist in hydrosystems, risks & modeling in drainage basins. Establishing statistical link between environment/climate & diseases as well as on ABM including environmental & social processes.
Iris Charalambidou (Lecturer) – University of Nicosia, Dep. Life & Health Sciences. Specialist in ecology of Cyprus & zoonotic diseases. Characterisation of biological components of diseases in different case studies & interpretation of the imprints of disease spreads.
Antonis Farmakas (adjunct Lecturer) – University of Nicosia, Dep. Life & Health Sciences. Specialist in epidemiology in Cyprus, works also in the Ministry of Health of Cyprus. Providing access to datasets in public archives & compilation of data on health.
Salih Gucel (Research Associate) – University of Nicosia, Dep. Life & Health Sciences. Specialist in ecology of Cyprus & caving. Assistance for accessing caves during fieldwork as well as sampling & official permits.
Tobias Kluge (Researcher) – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Specialist in carbonate geochemistry & speleothem paleoclimate. Analysis of stable/clumped isotopes, fluid inclusions & trace elements & Interpretation.
Jocelyne Adjizian Gerard (Lecturer) – Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Dep. Geography & Env. Sciences, CREEMO. Specialist in Mediterranean climatology. Integration of present & paleoclimate data together with topography in a climate model for present & past time period.
Nada Saliba-Badaro (EngIneer) – Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Dep. Geography & Env. Sciences, CREEMO. Specialist in mathematical modelling. Validation (cross-checking, interpolation, statistical spatialisation) & construction of climate maps (extrapolation, establish link between reconstructed variables & paleoclimate time series)